Terms of use

TERMS OF USE – www.drwetchoko.be – v3

Scope of application

Access, use, consultation or any other operation on the www.drwetchoko.be site (hereinafter the “Site”), as well as all documents, information and services offered therein, are subject to the conditions set out below (hereinafter the “Charter”) and to the applicable laws.

DRWETCHOKO.BE bv (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), owner of the Site, is free to make any modification, alteration or addition to the Charter, at any time, which are immediately applicable. Users should ensure that they are aware of the latest version of the Charter.

The Charter is accessible at all times on the Site. Users may take a copy or request that it be sent to their address.

By accessing and surfing this Site, the user accepts, without limitation, the terms of the Charter. If you do not agree, please disconnect.

This Charter constitutes and expresses the entire agreement between the user and DRWETCHOKO.BE bv with respect to their use of the Site. Any other oral or written agreement between the parties is replaced or superseded by the terms of this Charter.

General information

The Site, its content and the current and future addresses to which it may be accessed (URLs) and the corresponding domain names belong to the Company, whose registered office is located at chaussée de Malines, 36 – 1970 Wezembeek-Oppem (Belgium).

The Site is for information purposes only and is made available without warranty of any kind. It enables you to make appointments according to the offers available and to book appointments.
Users use the Site and linked sites under their own and sole responsibility.
Despite all the care taken in the construction of the Site, the company does not guarantee in particular :

  • the absence of errors in the functionalities offered by the Site ;
  • the absence of interruption in the operation of the Site;
  • the immediate correction of any defects;
  • the absence of viruses or any other harmful elements;
  • the absence of errors in the information provided on the Site.

The Company disclaims all liability for damages caused by, among other things, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, network defect or for any other reason whatsoever in the use of the Site or its contents.

The Company manages the content of the Site freely and independently. It may therefore, without prior notice :

  • suspend or cancel access to the Site or any part thereof;
  • modify the information available on the Site;
  • modify the Site’s presentation, structure and sections.

Respect for privacy

Users agree and are aware that the Internet is not a completely secure medium and that, consequently, a total guarantee of privacy cannot be provided.

Users always send their personal data at their own risk.

However, the Company devotes all due attention to compliance with the law of December 8, 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data, as implemented by the European Union and which takes effect from May 25, 2018 under the terminology GDPR (or RGDP), i.e. the European Data Protection Regulation and which replaces the previous European directive of 1995 (European Directive 95/46/EC of October 24, 1995).

[For security reasons or in order to assess the number of visitors to the Site, the Company automatically records the following data: date and time of visit to the Site, IP address, pages consulted].

No data is recorded without the knowledge of users, nor is it intended for transmission to third parties, nor is it used for commercial purposes or to draw up a statistical profile of users.

Respect for the Site and the Internet

Users of the Site undertake not to commit or omit any act which would have the purpose or effect, directly or indirectly, of :

  • disrupt or interrupt the networks connected to the Site or the servers of third parties ;
  • fail to comply with all Internet regulations and procedures;
  • interfere with the use of all or part of the Site;
  • copy, alter, modify or interfere with all or part of the Site, its use or its content;
  • to use the Site for illegal purposes, prohibited by the terms of this Charter, or infringing the rights of Dr Wetchoko, doctors or other third parties referenced therein, or to encourage such acts.

No part of the Site or its contents may, without this list being exhaustive, be copied, reproduced, published, downloaded, broadcast, used in advertising, translated, transmitted, or distributed in any other way or to another computer, server, Web site, or by any other means of communication, publication or distribution, without the express prior written consent of the Company.

The user agrees not to use any deep-link, page-scrape, robot, spider, or any other means, program, method, or algorithm that may interfere with the proper functioning of the Site, nor to copy, access, or obtain any information, files, or documents in any manner whatsoever that have not been voluntarily made available on the Site.

The user will not interfere with the use of the Site by third parties, for example by attempting to trace any information about third parties who have accessed the Site.

The user shall not test the capacity of the Site or its vulnerability, and shall refrain from any act that could undermine its security or integrity. The user also undertakes not to perform any act that would have the effect of overloading the bandwidth.

Intellectual property

The Site, its content, and all material and elements of the Site such as Dr Lucie Wetchoko’s concept, texts, graphics, downloadable documents, interfaces, layouts, photographs, icons, logos, fonts, interviews, trademarks, music, source code, programming, sound and visual extracts, including the design, structure, expression and general impression of the Site (hereinafter “the Content”), are and remain the exclusive property of the Company. The elements are protected in particular by the law on copyright and related rights of June 30, 1994, the law of June 30, 1994 transposing into Belgian law the European directive of May 14, 1991 on the legal protection of computer programs, and by all international texts in force.

By using or accessing the Site, the user acquires no rights whatsoever over it.

By virtue of the aforementioned texts, it is in particular strictly forbidden, without prior written authorization from the Company, to reproduce totally or partially, permanently or temporarily, on any graphic or digital medium, to download, modify, adapt, use, translate, distribute, store or communicate to the public, the Site Content, for any purpose and in any way whatsoever, even non-profit-making.

Users may nevertheless download the information made available to them on this Site, subject to the following conditions:

  • they do not remove the copyright notice ;
  • they use the information for strictly private, non-commercial purposes only;
  • that they do not place this information on a computer network, or in any other media accessible to the public;
  • that they do not modify the documents or the information contained therein.

Medical information

The information contained on the Site is provided for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes or replaces medical advice. Any health problem must be examined personally by a member of the medical profession, who alone is in a position to establish a diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. Self-medication is to be avoided.

The information provided on the site is neither complete nor exhaustive, and does not detail all the concepts mentioned. Furthermore, the Company does not guarantee any results whatsoever following the application of the information and services offered.

Under no circumstances may the company be held liable for any physical, moral or economic damage resulting directly or indirectly from :

  • the use of the application or interpretation of the information found on its Site and, in general, the Site Content, even if such information is confusing, faulty or out of date;
  • the trust placed in the information available on its Site;
  • the inability of any person accessing the Site to understand its contents and to use or interpret it properly;
  • any modification or lack of modification, update or lack of update, correction or lack of correction, adaptation or lack of adaptation of the Content, whether or not caused by the Company.

Limitation of liability

The entire content of the site and graphic elements, including but not limited to, respectively, all content in text format, as well as the technical sources of all present and future services and facilities – unless expressly stated otherwise by another owner – the sources of the pages but also any other material, transmitted in any form whatsoever by and to Users (by direct consultation on the site, through newsletters, etc.) belong to DRWETCHOKO.BE bv.

The content of the site, regardless of the zone in which it is located on the site and regardless of its type, may be used exclusively for personal purposes. Any use of the content by third parties for purposes other than personal use may only be made with the express prior written consent of DRWETCHOKO.BE bv. Consequently, it is forbidden to copy, retrieve, reproduce, publish, transmit, sell, distribute in part, in whole or in modified form the content of this site or any part thereof for purposes other than personal use, with the following exceptions:

(i) it is permitted to reproduce (on non-commercial sites, forums, press articles, etc.) small fragments of published articles (max. 400 characters), necessarily specifying the source of the information retrieved, with a link, in the following form: (Source: site name – link to site content).

(ii) Links to the https://www.drwetchoko.be site are authorized, and the source of the information must be specified after each link or at the end of the article, as follows: “Information provided with the kind permission of DRWETCHOKO.BE bv – link to site content).

Users agree to respect all copyrights, neighbouring rights and any other intellectual property rights that the site administrator and its partners hold on/in relation to the site https://www. drwetchoko.be

DRWETCHOKO.BE bv reserves the right to take legal action against any person and/or entity that violates the above provisions in any way whatsoever. Requests to use the content of the site for other than personal purposes can be made by email to e-contact@drwetchoko.be, with the mention “For the attention of the webmaster”.

If, in spite of the provisions of this Charter, the Company was to be held responsible for any damage or loss, of some nature that it is, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the Site or its Contents, the responsibility for the Company could not in no case exceed 1.000 €.

The user undertakes to indemnify the members of the Company, its collaborators, employees, assigns, agents, affiliates, subcontractors and partners in the event of any action, loss, claim, compensation or indemnity (including legal fees) brought against them by any third party, in connection with or as a consequence of his or her use of the Site.

Any person who transmits or publishes in any way whatsoever information or material on the Site undertakes not to infringe in any way whatsoever any copyright that a third party may invoke in respect of the material and information transmitted in any way whatsoever on the Site, and persons who send information or material in any way whatsoever understand and accept that the violation in any way whatsoever of this obligation cannot in any way engage the liability of DRWETCHOKO.BE bv, but only the liability of the persons concerned.

DRWETCHOKO.BE bv may at any time broadcast advertising and/or promotional campaigns in all sections of the Site, without the consent of the Users of the Site being required. The space and size of advertising and promotional campaigns do not require the consent of Site Users and may be modified at any time without prior notice.

DRWETCHOKO.BE bv assumes no responsibility for damages or losses resulting from advertising campaigns or promotions organized on the Site, other than those strictly organized on the Site.

DRWETCHOKO.BE bv does not assume any obligation or guarantee, implicitly or explicitly, for the content of the site, respectively for the content provided by its partners or the site’s Users.

However, DRWETCHOKO.BE bv shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and professional manner in which the information is provided on the site, in order to gain and maintain the trust of the Users of the site. To this end, DRWETCHOKO.BE bv will make every effort to correct any errors or omissions as soon as possible.

The site administrator offers no guarantee as to the content of the site and cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may result from the use of any part/sequence/page of the site or from the impossibility of using it, whatever the cause, or from the erroneous interpretation of any of the provisions of the site’s content.

The information provided via the site is offered in good faith, from sources deemed reliable. In the event that any of the articles published or any other information falls within the scope of copyright law, we ask Users to contact us at contact@drwetchoko.be, so that we can take the necessary measures. At the same time, Users should bear in mind that the information presented may include inaccurate information (e.g. technical data or typing errors). The site administrator will make every effort to correct these aspects as soon as possible.

Users understand and accept that DRWETCHOKO.BE bv does not guarantee :

  • that the information contained on the site is complete;
  • that the information entered by users of the website is real, correct and that DRWETCHOKO.BE bv assumes no responsibility for the way in which visitors use it;
  • that the information or services on the site will satisfy all Users’ requirements, and for their inappropriate use, Users assume full responsibility;
  • for results obtained by Users as a result of using the information or services available via the website, use of the information and services is made by Users at their own risk;
  • that the services available via the website will operate continuously, without interruption, without error – in this respect, DRWETCHOKO.BE bv assumes no responsibility for any damage that Users may suffer as a result of the temporary or faulty operation of the website or the use of information obtained by using the site’s links to other sites (the use of which is at the discretion of Users).

Users also understand and accept that DRWETCHOKO.BE bv is not responsible for any inadvertence, errors or omissions in the information provided on the site by Users. At the same time, Users understand and agree that DRWETCHOKO.BE bv shall not be liable for any advertising messages disseminated on the site or via the services offered through the site, or for any goods or services provided by the authors of such advertising or messages. Users of the site expressly agree to exonerate DRWETCHOKO.BE bv from any liability for any judicial or extrajudicial action resulting from incorrect or fraudulent use of the site.

In the event of force majeure, DRWETCHOKO.BE bv and/or its operators, administrators, employees, branches, subsidiaries and representatives are fully exempt from any liability. Cases of force majeure include, but are not limited to, errors in the operation of DRWETCHOKO.BE bv’s technical equipment, Internet connection failure, telephone connection failure, computer viruses, unauthorized access to the Site’s systems, operating errors, etc.

Users agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless DRWETCHOKO.BE bv and/or its operators, directors, employees, branches, subsidiaries and representatives from and against any and all demands, claims, actions, impositions, losses, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees), expenses, judgments, awards, fines, settlements or other liabilities arising out of or related to any other action by Users in connection with the use of the Site or the services offered therein.

DRWETCHOKO.BE bv makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties as to the operation of the https://www.drwetchoko.be site, the information, content, materials or products on the site, or their suitability for any particular purpose. Users expressly agree that use of this site and application of the information is at their own risk.


The Site uses ‘cookies’, files stored on the user’s computer and sent by the Site to the user’s browser to identify users.

Users wishing to delete cookies should consult their browser manual. It is up to the user to disable this option. In this case, it is possible that some parts of the Site may not be available for consultation or use, or may only be partially available.

A cookie is a text file containing small pieces of information that is sent to your browser and stored on your computer, cell phone or other device when you visit a website. This cookie sends information back to the site each time you revisit it.

Cookies can be permanent (called persistent cookies), which remain on your computer until you delete them, or temporary (called session cookies), which are valid only until you close your browser window. Cookies may come from the host (first-party), which are configured by the site you are visiting, or from third parties, which are configured by a site different from the one you are visiting.

How does DRWETCHOKO.BE bv use cookies?
We use cookies to improve the functionality of our sites, to help you navigate more efficiently from one page to another, to remember your preferences and, in general, to improve the user experience. The cookies we use on our websites may belong to the following categories:

Strictly necessary cookies:

These cookies are essential for you to be able to browse the site and use the services you have requested, such as access to secure areas of the site.
We use this type of cookie to manage user registration and authentication. Without these cookies, the services you have requested cannot be provided. These cookies belong to the host party (first party) and may be permanent or temporary. In short, our sites will not function properly without these cookies.

Performance cookies :

These cookies collect information about how visitors use a site, for example which pages are visited the most. These cookies do not collect information that can identify individual visitors. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated and anonymous.

We use these cookies to :

  • compile statistics on the use of our sites
  • measure the impact of our advertising campaigns.

These cookies may be permanent or temporary, from the host or from third parties. In short, these cookies collect anonymous information about the pages visited and advertisements viewed.

Functionality cookies:

These cookies enable a site to remember elements you choose (such as your username, language or country) and offer enhanced, more personal options. These cookies can also be used to provide services you have requested, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog. The information used by these cookies is anonymized and they cannot record your browsing activities on other sites.
We use these cookies to :

  • remind you if you have already used a certain service
  • improve your overall experience across the site by remembering your preferences.

Advertising cookies:

These cookies are used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement, as well as to measure the impact of advertising campaigns.

Advertising cookies are used to manage advertising on the site.

Advertising cookies are placed by third parties, such as advertising agencies and their agents, and may be permanent or temporary cookies. In short, they are related to the advertising services provided on our website by third parties.

Social cookies:

These cookies are used by social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) and enable the distribution of https://www.drwetchoko.be content on the respective networks, does not control these cookies, so for more information on how they work, please consult the pages of the social networks.

How to manage and delete cookies
If you wish to restrict, block or delete cookies, you can do so by modifying your web browser settings. By using https://www.drwetchoko.be without rejecting cookies or similar technologies, visitors consent to our use of these technologies and to the processing of information.


Permission to operate hyperlinks to the Site must be obtained from the Company in advance and in writing.

Obtaining such permission in no way implies any right to license the content of the Site, nor any responsibility on the part of the Company with regard to the site managing the link.

No authorization shall be granted or maintained unless the applicant undertakes at the very least :

  • not to copy, reproduce, communicate or distribute to the public any information whatsoever contained on the Site;
  • not to damage the reputation of the Site, the doctors and other persons mentioned therein or the information contained therein;
  • not to create the impression, in any way whatsoever, that the two Sites are linked;
  • to create the link only on the opening page of the Site;
  • inform the Company, within a reasonable time, of any request or demand concerning the hyperlink, including the decision to remove it;
  • assume full responsibility for any damage or loss caused to the Site, directly or indirectly linked to it;
  • guarantee that the use of a hyperlink to the Site is not illegal under applicable laws;
  • not to create a hyperlink from a site containing information liable to be the subject of an action for slander or libel, for counterfeit, or for any other infringement of the rights and interests of third parties, nor from a site that does not meet standards of decency and good taste;
  • indemnify the Company in the event of recourse by a third party, following non-compliance with these terms and conditions, or access via the hyperlink to the Site;
  • comply with the other conditions set out by the Company in this Charter.

The Company’s decisions in this regard are discretionary and final, and do not entitle the users concerned to any indemnity or other form of compensation whatsoever.

Linked Sites

The Site may contain links to other websites owned by third parties (“Linked Sites”). These Linked Sites are provided for the convenience of users and are not under the control of the Company. The Company therefore accepts no responsibility for their content or the information they contain. Users access them of their own free will and under their own responsibility.

Violation of the Terms of Use

The Company may communicate any information concerning users (including their identity) if this proves necessary in the event of complaints or investigations concerning their use of the Site in breach of this Charter or applicable legislation.

To this end, the Company may retain any mailing cards, data and information that a user has communicated through the Site.

This will also be the case in order to be able to identify, contact or take legal action against any person who does not comply with this Charter, or who causes prejudice or interferes with the Site or the rights of the Company, doctors or other users of the Site.

The Company therefore reserves the right to disclose at any time any information deemed necessary in accordance with applicable law, a judgment or a request from public authorities, including the exchange of information between companies for the purpose of fraud prevention.

The Company may freely, without prior notice, terminate the access to the Site of any user who violates the terms of this Charter or any other code of conduct applicable to the use of the Site, or in the event of an order from a public authority.

The Company can freely, without preliminary notification, put an end to the access to the Site of any user in case of technical problem or of development of the Site.

Any violation of the Charter will be considered as an act of unfair competition and a breach of contract which call for pecuniary or other redress, as deemed most appropriate by the Company.
Should the Company take legal action as a result of a User’s breach of the terms of the Charter, the User shall be liable to reimburse the Company for all costs incurred by the Company in connection therewith, including attorney’s fees, costs, expenses and costs of enforcement, in addition to the indemnification due to the Company.

Nullity of a clause

If one or more clauses of this Charter should be deemed null and void by a court of law, only the minimum will be considered null and void and will be replaced by valid provisions that best respect the purpose of this Charter.

Applicable law and litigation

The provisions of the Charter are governed in their entirety by Belgian law, as are all relations between the Company and users of the Site concerning the use thereof.
In the event of a dispute, only the courts of the judicial district of Wezembeek-Oppem shall have jurisdiction.

The information contained in this Site is subject to change without notice.


Copyright ©2023 DRWETCHOKO.BE bv. All rights reserved.
DRWETCHOKO.BE bv, chaussée de Malines, 36 – 1970 Wezembeek-Oppem (Belgium) – contact@drwetchoko.com
Updated on 05/04/2023 – Version [ver 3]


Stress – Health – Figure


Chaussée de Malines, 36
1970 Wezembeek-Oppem

VAT BE0757977695

© 2006-2025 · Dr Lucie Wetchoko